Unesthetic appearances of spaces between teeth, discolored fillings or tooth surfaces and worn or misshaped teeth can be easily treated using resin-based composite (tooth-colored) fillings or metal-free crowns and bridges.
We offer the latest technology in low-shrinkage and durable composite material, which helps to prevent recurrent decay following restoration.
A variety of metal-free crown materials, which eliminates the unsightly appearance of dark margins sometimes seen at the gumline of teeth with existing metal-based crowns, are available to suit your restorative needs.
Basic Restorative Fillings
We offer both amalgam (silver-colored) and resin-based composite (tooth-colored) fillings to suit your restorative needs.
Both types of fillings have specific benefits and drawbacks and the filling type is recommended based on patient preferences and restorative factors taken into consideration.
Eventually, further research is likely to eliminate problematic shrinkage of current resin-based composites and the need for use of amalgam fillings entirely.
However, amalgam fillings remain a cost-effective and durable means to restore decayed teeth. Additionally, research has shown, and the American Dental Association (ADA) has approved, the use of mercury in dental amalgam to be safe as it is bound to a mixture of metals preventing its release.
Patients are encouraged to ask if they have questions or concerns regarding filling types available.
Major Restorative Crowns and Bridges
Missing teeth, teeth with large fillings susceptible to fracture and teeth that are unesthetic or misshapen benefit from the protection and natural appearance of full coverage crowns (caps) and bridges.
A tooth requiring a crown, or teeth on either side of a space requiring a bridge, is reduced on all sides to make room for the durable and natural-appearing crown or bridge (at least two tooth-supported crowns joined to a non-supported crown in between) to be cemented over top.
We offer both metal-based and metal-free materials to suit your individual needs and preferences.
Root Canal Therapy
When a permanent tooth becomes infected due to decay or trauma, it is first evaluated for restorability.
If sufficient tooth structure remains or if the extent of the fracture is limited enough to save the tooth, Root Canal Therapy (RCT) may be recommended.
The procedure utilizes a series of enlarging file widths to remove the nerve, blood vessels and infected material within the tiny canal(s) of the tooth.
Once cleaned of bacteria, the canals are then filled with a rubber material, which seals the canals from re-entry of bacteria. The tooth is then restored with a filling and/or crown following confirmation of healing.
Teeth become brittle and prone to fracture when they are no longer vital, as is the case following RCT. Therefore, a full-coverage crown is often recommended, especially in areas where chewing forces are greatest.
In certain situations, you may be referred to see a root canal specialist (endodontist) for completion of RCT after a medicated sedative filling (pulpotomy) is placed.
Tooth Extractions
Broken teeth, semi-erupted/impacted teeth and infected teeth with decay into areas that make restoration risky or impossible will be recommended for removal (extraction). We offer extraction services for most teeth.
To relieve anxiety, nitrous oxide gas is available for children and adults upon request. Complicated extractions, patients with medical concerns or patients that express preference for semi-conscious (intravenous) or full (general) sedation will be referred to an oral surgeon specialist.
Implant Retained Crowns and Bridges
Conventional titanium implants were first used over 60 years ago. Following extensive research and improvements on implant design, current success rates of over 95%, surgical placement and healing that is easily tolerated and beautifully natural appearing restorations, dental implants are now considered the gold standard for replacement of missing teeth.
Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, are virtually indestructible and allow replacement of single or multiple teeth without affecting adjacent teeth in the process.
Patients seeking dental implant restorations will be referred to a specialist that evaluates the implant site(s) for adequate healthy bone to contain the titanium 'screw' insert and may recommend a bone graft if insufficient or if a tooth is in need of extraction prior to implant placement.
Patients typically return to our office for crown and bridge restoration of the implant(s) 3-4 months following placement, unless conditions are suitable for immediate restoration as determined by the specialist that placed the implant(s).
An additional 3-4 months of healing is often recommended prior to implant placement when bone grafting is required.
Removable Partial Dentures
A Removable Partial Denture (RPD) is a cost effective, tooth retained prosthesis recommended for esthetic replacement of single or multiple teeth during transitional implant healing or when implants cannot be utilized due to financial considerations or lack of adequate bone.
Denture teeth are matched to existing teeth and embedded in a tissue-colored hard acrylic, or flexible semi-transparent tissue colored material (Valplast). To aid retention, support of chewing function and allow future addition of denture teeth if necessary, a metal underlying framework with metal clasps is often used.
As the name suggests, the RPD can be removed when necessary for cleansing. However, the RPD is able to remain firmly in place during chewing function utilizing clasps that engage undercuts on healthy natural teeth.
We offer a variety of RPD styles to accommodate patient preferences for durability, functionality and esthetics.
Removable Complete Denture
When full upper and/or lower arch replacement of teeth is required, a removable Full or Complete Denture is recommended.
A Full Denture is a cost effective, esthetic replacement of teeth and gum shrinkage that can be entirely tissue supported, a combination of tissue and implant-supported, or entirely implant supported.
Immediate Full Dentures may be designed in advance of scheduled extraction of teeth to eliminate the esthetic concern of being without teeth during healing.
In most cases, Full Upper Dentures are well supported and secure via suction effect without the need for implants to aid retention. More commonly, it is advantageous to have two implants placed for retention of Lower Full Dentures since suction effect is not possible with tongue interference.
Full Dentures can later be converted to Implant Supported Full Dentures if retention is found to be an issue. Dentures require regular maintenance in the form of reline procedures every 3-5 years to eliminate 'rocking' or looseness resulting from continued bone loss and tissue shrinkage following tooth removal.
Splints and Fixed Retainers
Periodontal splints and fixed retainers can be used to stabilize teeth that are mobile due to bone loss or prevent movement following completion of orthodontic straightening.
Splints and fixed retainers similarly use tooth-colored filling material overlying a thin archwire on the tongue side of teeth. By splinting mobile teeth together, a non-visible support is provided that prevents further bone loss from normal chewing forces and increases longevity of compromised teeth.
A fixed retainer is useful when post-orthodontic retainers are lost or compliance is a concern.